The EU General Data Protection Regulation

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming in to force on 25th May 2018. So, what should we know? The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was approved by the EU Parliament on…

London Colocation from £40 per month!

[headline]Quality, Affordable, Server Colocation[/headline] [pricing_table columns=”4″] [pricing_column name=”1u Colocation” price=”40″ button_name=”Order Now” button_link=””] [pricing_text icon=”icon-hdd”]1U Colocation[/pricing_text] [pricing_text icon=”icon-exchange”]1TB Bandwidth[/pricing_text] [pricing_text icon=”icon-cloud-upload”]0.5 Amp Power[/pricing_text] [pricing_text icon=”icon-desktop”]100Mbit Network Uplink[/pricing_text] [pricing_text icon=”icon-gear”]Free Setup[/pricing_text] [/pricing_column] [pricing_column name=”2u Colocation” price=”60″…

Affordable Colocation in Central London

With two awesome data centres in the heart of Central London, 5wire Networks are pleased to offer affordable colocation without the huge overheads. We currently have availability in Telecity Meridan Gate. [small_space] Affordable Colocation [small_space]…

How to install and configure PHP Zend Opcache

What is Opcache you ask? Opcache is a PHP extensions that will help to improve server & applications performance. There are many popular opcode caches like eaccelerator, xcache, apc, etc.  Opcache is recommended in almost all…

Which Control Panel is for you? cPanel, Plesk and More

Those that require Web Hosting often look for the most easy method for managing their servers using a Control Panel. As we all know, the easiest way is with a simple graphical user interface to…

How to Install cPanel on your Virtual Server – CentOS 6, CentOS 7

cPanel is a the most popular application that enables users to administer servers using a GUI interface instead of traditional command line. cPanel is straight forward to install, but sometimes can take a couple of…

How to install or upgrade PHP from 5.4 to 5.5 on CentOS/RHEL 6/7

CentOS 7 by default installs PHP 5.4. At the end of September PHP 5.4 came to the end of it’s life, no longer receiving security updates. A number of systems still run PHP 5.4. This…

Automatically update your website footer year

To start the New Year off, we’re answering the question that often comes up in the first week of January – “How do I automatically update my the year in my website footer so I don’t…

Merry Christmas from 5wire Networks!

All of us at 5wire Networks would like to wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 🙂 Thank you for your continued support and business, 2016 plans to be our biggest year and…

Fully Redundant, Hot Migration Cloud Servers in Central London

[h1]Central London Cloud Servers deployed instantly![/h1] 5wire Networks are delighted to now be able to provide Cloud Services from our racks located in secure Tier 1 Data Centre facilities in Central London. Our location provides…