Learn how to setup your Email Server on Linux

Running your own email server on Linux offers more control and potentially lower costs compared to using a third-party service. However, it also involves more configuration and maintenance. This tutorial will guide you through the…

How to add swap space to Linux

Swap space acts as an extension of your computer’s physical memory (RAM) on Linux. When RAM becomes full, inactive data is temporarily moved to the swap space to free up memory for running programs. Here’s…

How to change a Windows Virtual Machine on Proxmox disk type from SATA to SCSI

Problem 1: Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it. Red Hat VirtIO SCSI pass-through controller A problem was encountered while attempting to add the driver to…

How to prepare Alpine Linux image with Cloud-Init ready for Proxmox

Alpine Linux is a distribution designed to be small, simple, and secure. We recently added this to Operating System lineup for our Linux Cloud Servers. The Cloud Images available on the Alpine Linux website are…

Why your new website should be built with Next.js

Next.js has become a popular choice for building modern web applications, and for good reason. This React-based framework offers a powerful feature set that streamlines development, enhances performance, and improves the overall user experience. Let’s…

Learn how to use a Virtual Machine

Imagine a computer that exists entirely within another computer. That’s the basic idea behind a virtual machine (VM). VMs are software programs that create a simulated computer system with its own CPU, memory, storage, and…

How to setup Virtual Hosts on Apache

Virtual hosts allow you to host multiple websites on a single server using the same IP address. This is a common practice for web developers and system administrators. Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved:…

How to deploy a webserver on AlmaLinux 8/9

his guide will walk you through deploying a web server on a fresh installation of AlmaLinux 8 or 9. We’ll cover two popular options: Apache and Nginx. Choose the one that best suits your needs.…

Proxmox. Choosing the right virtualisation tool between LXC and VM

Proxmox offers two main virtualisation options: LXC containers and VMs (Virtual Machines). Both allow you to run multiple isolated environments on a single server, but they differ in their approach and ideal use cases. This…

Learn how to enable root user with SUDO

The root user in Linux grants unrestricted access to the system. While convenient, it can be a security risk. For this reason, many distributions disable root login by default. With our Cloud Servers, root is…