Promote us services to your friends, family and compete strangers!

Earn money with 5wire Networks

Earn money by telling friends, family members, or complete strangers about 5wire Networks. There is no limit on how much you can earn, and we have a competitive commission structure to reward you fairly. 

How does it work?

  1. Share a unique URL with your family, friends, or a total stranger. Each user that visits your URL is tracked on our website.
  2. When someone who visited your link makes a purchase, the sale is recorded on your account.
  3. You will receive 15% (excluding any applicable taxes) for the lifetime of the service being active. Bonus: if the user makes another purchase, you will receive 15% commission for the lifetime of the new service being activated.
  4. Your success is recorded in our billing system, you can track your affiliate balance and request a payout when you meet the minimum threshold.

How to get started

  1. Register an account on our billing system
  2. Activate your Affiliate Account
  3. Share your unique URL
  4. Start earning commission

Affiliate Program

How do I start earning?

Register your account

Register an account with our billing system to be provided with a trackable URL. You will be provided with a unique URL.

Share your link

Provide your unique referral link to family and friends. We track everyone who visits our website via your link for up to 30 days.

Start earning

For each successful sign up, we will pay you a referral fee every month while the service is active. As a bonus, we always pay a referral fee for any additional services.

There are no costs to join our affiliate program.

New affiliates are approved immediately so you once you have signed up, you will be able to start recommending people straight away!

We provide you with a unique link that will add a cookie on your user’s browser. For up to 30 days, any purchase by that browser will be associated with your account. You will earn commission based on the purchase. 

Log in to your Affiliates Dashboard, the URL will be displayed on the page.

Our commission structure is based on a recurring basis rather than one-time only. 

You will receive an on-going payment for the lifetime of the service being active and your affiliate account being open. If the user purchases further services, we will also include this in the recurring payment calculation. 

Your Affiliate Dashboard will show an overview of the number of people that have clicked the link and the total number of successful purchases. 

Once an order has been completed, plus 90 days. This ensures that your referral has passed our money-back guarantee period. 

Your Affiliate Dashboard will show your total earnings. You may either:

  1. Be paid via Bank Transfer
  2. Use your earnings against your 5wire invoices