Learn how to setup your Email Server on Linux

Running your own email server on Linux offers more control and potentially lower costs compared to using a third-party service. However, it also involves more configuration and maintenance. This tutorial will guide you through the…

How to migrate from VMWare to Proxmox

There are two main methods for migrating VMs from VMware to Proxmox: using the Proxmox VE Import Wizard (available in Proxmox VE version 8 or above) and manual conversion. Here’s a breakdown of both methods:…

Learn how to use a Virtual Machine

Imagine a computer that exists entirely within another computer. That’s the basic idea behind a virtual machine (VM). VMs are software programs that create a simulated computer system with its own CPU, memory, storage, and…

How to setup Virtual Hosts on Apache

Virtual hosts allow you to host multiple websites on a single server using the same IP address. This is a common practice for web developers and system administrators. Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved:…

Choosing your web hosting playground

When venturing into the world of websites, you’ll encounter a barrage of technical terms like shared hosting, reseller hosting, and virtual machines. These terms define how your website resides on a physical server and the…

Why a dedicated forex cloud server gives you the edge in execution and speed

In the fast-paced world of forex trading, every millisecond counts. The difference between a profitable trade and a missed opportunity can hinge on how quickly your orders reach the market. This is where a dedicated…

Proxmox. Choosing the right virtualisation tool between LXC and VM

Proxmox offers two main virtualisation options: LXC containers and VMs (Virtual Machines). Both allow you to run multiple isolated environments on a single server, but they differ in their approach and ideal use cases. This…

Learn the best practices with SU and SUDO

For security reasons, root is disabled by default with our Linux Cloud Virtual Servers (Cloud Servers). This guide will explain how to use SU and SUDO. Note: if you need to gain access to the…

Using our Cloud Server for your load balancing requirements

You can achieve load balancing by deploying a dedicated load balancer software as a cloud server. Here’s a tutorial on how to set this up: 1. Choose Your Load Balancer Software Popular options include: HAProxy: Open-source…

How to migrate a Linux VPS Cloud Server with rsync

If you’re looking to move to a different Virtual Server Cloud Hosting Provider for your Linux Server,  you will be looking to do so with minimal effort. We recommend using rsync to manage the migration…