Learn how to setup your Email Server on Linux

Running your own email server on Linux offers more control and potentially lower costs compared to using a third-party service. However, it also involves more configuration and maintenance. This tutorial will guide you through the…

How to add swap space to Linux

Swap space acts as an extension of your computer’s physical memory (RAM) on Linux. When RAM becomes full, inactive data is temporarily moved to the swap space to free up memory for running programs. Here’s…

How to setup Virtual Hosts on Apache

Virtual hosts allow you to host multiple websites on a single server using the same IP address. This is a common practice for web developers and system administrators. Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved:…

Learn the best practices with SU and SUDO

For security reasons, root is disabled by default with our Linux Cloud Virtual Servers (Cloud Servers). This guide will explain how to use SU and SUDO. Note: if you need to gain access to the…

What is rsync and how to use it?

Data synchronisation is a crucial aspect of managing files and folders across different systems or locations. Among the myriad of tools available for this purpose, rsync stands out for its efficiency, flexibility, and robustness. In…

How to migrate a Linux VPS Cloud Server with rsync

If you’re looking to move to a different Virtual Server Cloud Hosting Provider for your Linux Server,  you will be looking to do so with minimal effort. We recommend using rsync to manage the migration…

Migrate from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 [Easy Guide]

With CentOS 7 fast approaching End of Life in June 2024, this article explains how easy it is to upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 using the ELevate tool. What is Elevate? ELevate is…

How To Install Linux Kernel 5.x on Almalinux 8 or Rocky

By default both AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux 8.x come packaged with Linux Kernel 4.x, whereas the latest stable long term was 5.4 and stable mainline kernels 5.18. This guide will show you how to install/upgrade…

How To Install Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP) stack On CentOS 7

Introduction A LEMP software stack is a group of open source software that is typically installed together to enable a server to host dynamic websites and web apps. This term is actually an acronym which…

How to create a Proxmox Template with a Cloud-Init image

This guide will show you how to create a Proxmox KVM Template from a Cloud-Init Image. You will need to have a prepared Cloud Image with Cloud-Init. Check out this guide to see how to…