CentOS 6 Install and Configure NTP to Synchronise The System Clock
One problem often encountered with a new install of some operating systems is that the time settings are incorrect. You can easily update these manually, or much more easily you can use the NTP service to automatically synchronise the system clock.
Open SSH, making sure you are logged in as the root user. If you do not have NTP installed, do the following –
yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc
Turn on the service
chkconfig ntpd on
Synchronise the system clock with the UK NTP server –
ntpdate uk.pool.ntp.org
Start the NTP server.
/etc/init.d/ntpd start
Once you have NTP installed, run –
hwclock --systohc
If you already have NTP installed, run –
ntpdate uk.pool.ntp.org
and then sync the hardware clock,
hwclock --systohc
Type the date command and you should now see the correct time
date Thu Jul 3 22:39:44 BST 2014