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Get your emails up and running with cPanel


If you have yet to create an email account for your new-car-smelling web hosting service, this is the guide for you.

Getting Started

Once you have received your welcome email, you will be able to log in to cPanel. You’ll be faced with this page:

Enter your username and password to log in.

The cPanel interface

Once you’ve logged in you will see the main cPanel interface:

If you are a new user and are using a password which is less than 8 characters and DOES NOT contain a mixture of capital and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols like %&£! you should change your password now. Selecting the dropdown box at A and clicking on PASSWORD  & SECURITY will take you to a page where you can change your password. Consider using a string of random letters, numbers and symbols for added security.

To get in to the Email Accounts control panel, click Email Accounts (B).

Creating an Email Account

I’ll explain this bit stepwise.

  1. Select your Email USERNAME. This is
  2. Select your DOMAIN, e.g If you only have one domain, don’t worry about others. You may be given the option to set up an Email account for a subdomain, if you have set up a sub-domain already.
  3. Enter your password. You can generate a secure password by hitting the Generate button. I recommend hitting it a few times and recording all of the answers, and making a new password which is formed from a mixture of all generated passwords.
  4. Retype your password.
  5. Type in your mailbox quota. Be careful not to exceed this quota as you may not be able to receive emails if your email inbox is full. Be sure to save your emails before deleting your inbox from the mailserver. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
  6. Create your account! Boom. Done.