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How to migrate your website from SiteGround

Moving your website from Siteground to our cPanel hosting involves transferring website files, databases, and configurations. Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

1. Backup Your Siteground Website:

  • It’s crucial to have a full backup before starting the migration. Siteground offers a backup service, or you can use a plugin like UpdraftPlus for WordPress sites.

2. Prepare Your cPanel Hosting:

  • Ensure your cPanel hosting plan is active and has enough storage space for your website.
  • Familiarise yourself with the cPanel interface. 

3. Transfer Website Files (Two Methods):

Method 1: Using FTP

  • Download an FTP client like FileZilla.
  • Use your Siteground FTP credentials to connect to your current website.
  • Download all files and folders to your local computer.
  • Connect to your cPanel account using its FTP details.
  • Upload all downloaded files and folders to the appropriate location in your cPanel public_html directory (usually the root directory).

Method 2: Using a Migration Plugin (if applicable):

  • This method works well for WordPress websites.
  • Install and activate a migration plugin like Duplicator on your Siteground site.
  • Use the plugin to create a migration package (includes files and database).
  • In your cPanel account, install WordPress (if not already installed).
  • Use the Duplicator plugin on the new cPanel WordPress installation to restore the migration package.

4. Transfer the Database (if applicable):

  • If your website uses a database (like MySQL for WordPress), you’ll need to export it from Siteground and import it to your cPanel hosting.
  • Siteground offers tools for database export in their control panel. cPanel also has a similar import/export function in its MySQL databases section.
  • Ensure you update the database configuration file (e.g., wp-config.php for WordPress) on your new hosting with the new database credentials.

5. Update DNS Settings (Point Domain to New Host):

  • Log in to your domain registrar’s control panel where you manage your domain name.
  • Locate the DNS management section and update the nameservers with the nameservers provided by your cPanel hosting provider.
  • This propagation process can take 24-48 hours for the changes to reflect globally.

6. Test Your Migrated Website:

  • Once the DNS propagation is complete, access your website using your domain name.
  • Thoroughly test all functionalities, forms, and links to ensure everything works as expected.

Additional Tips:

  • Raise a Support Ticket with us if you need any help with managing your migration. 
  • If you’re not comfortable with technical aspects, seek help from a web developer for a smooth migration.
  • Keep your Siteground website operational until you’ve verified the new cPanel website functions correctly.

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