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How to deploy your Next.js website to a Virtual Machine

This tutorial will focus on deploying Next.js to a Virtual Machine.


  • Linux based cloud server
  • Basic understanding of command-line interface (CLI) and terminal usage
  • A Next.js application (if you don’t have one, use npx create-next-app my-app)


Deploy your Cloud Server

  • Choose a Cloud Server with sufficient resources (CPU, RAM) to handle your application’s traffic.
  • Select an appropriate operating system (OS) like Ubuntu or Debian, which are commonly used for Node.js deployments.

Connect to the VM

Use a tool like SSH to establish a secure connection to your VM. Refer to your cloud provider’s documentation for specific commands and authentication methods.

Set Up the Server Environment

Update package lists:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm
node -v
npm -v

Clone or Transfer Your Next.js App

If your app is in a Git repository, clone it using SSH:

git clone

Alternatively, upload the built application files (from ./out after running npm run build) to the VM using a method like SCP or SFTP.

Install Dependencies and Build the Application

cd your-app

Install production dependencies:

npm install --production ``` (or `yarn install --production`)
Build the application for production:
npm run build ``` (or `yarn build`)

Configure a Process Manager (Optional):

Process managers (PMs) like PM2 or forever can help keep your Next.js server running automatically and handle restarts.

Install a PM (e.g., using npm install pm2 -g): 

npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start npm -- start  # Adjust the port if needed (e.g., pm2 start npm -- start -p 8080)