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How to clone a Linux Server using dd?

Creating a disk image and restoring it onto a new server using the dd command in Unix-like operating systems is a powerful technique commonly used for disk cloning and backup purposes. This tutorial will guide you through the process step by step.


  1. A Unix-like operating system (e.g., Linux, macOS)
  2. Basic knowledge of the command line interface

Steps to Clone a Disk Image and Restore to a New Server

1. Prepare the Source Disk

Ensure that the source disk is unmounted and there is no critical activity running on it.

2. Identify Source and Destination Devices

Use the lsblk or fdisk -l command to identify the source disk (/dev/sdX) and the destination disk (/dev/sdY). Ensure that you correctly identify these devices to avoid data loss.

3. Create a Disk Image

Use the dd command to create an image of the source disk. Replace /dev/sdX with the source disk and disk_image.img with the desired name for the disk image.

sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=disk_image.img bs=4M status=progress
  • if: Input file (source disk)
  • of: Output file (disk image)
  • bs: Block size (adjust as needed)
  • status=progress: Displays progress information

4. Transfer the Disk Image to the New Server

Transfer the disk image (disk_image.img) to the new server. You can use various methods such as SCP, FTP, or a USB drive.

5. Restore the Disk Image

Once the disk image is on the new server, connect to the server and ensure that the destination disk is unmounted.

6. Write the Disk Image to the Destination Disk

Use the dd command to write the disk image onto the destination disk. Replace /dev/sdY with the destination disk.

sudo dd if=disk_image.img of=/dev/sdY bs=4M status=progress

7. Resize the Filesystem (Optional)

If the destination disk is larger than the original disk, you may want to resize the filesystem to utilize the additional space. You can use tools like resize2fs for ext-based filesystems.

8. Verify the Cloned Disk

After the cloning process is complete, mount the new disk and verify that all data has been successfully transferred.

Important Notes

  • Backup Data: Always back up important data before performing disk operations to prevent data loss.
  • Device Identification: Ensure you correctly identify the source and destination disks to avoid accidental data overwriting.
  • Permissions: Use sudo or appropriate permissions to execute dd commands, as they require administrative privileges.
  • Disk Sizes: Be cautious when restoring disk images onto disks with different sizes, as it may lead to data loss or corruption.
  • Double-Check Commands: Double-check all commands before execution to prevent irreversible damage to your system.

By following these steps carefully, you can safely clone a disk image and restore it onto a new server using the dd command.



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